Cosy Montiggl Round | 24

Varied and technically
easy tour

35.7 km
630 m
630 m
3 h 28 min

From Tramin, the tour takes you past Lake Kaltern, through orchards and vineyards into the Montiggler Forest. The Unterberg forest path takes you on asphalt and later gravel up to the Großes Steintal forest path. Here over a flat ridge and then again over asphalt downhill past Langmoos to the Great Montiggler Lake.

Along the lakeside path you can enjoy the view over the lake and continue to the Hirschplätze viewpoint behind the forester’s lodge.
Now continue to the “centre of the world” (crossroads with 5 paths) and take the cycle path towards Montiggl village. From here take the easy trail through the forest downhill to the Lake Caldaro and back to Tramin.

Bathing possibilities at the Montiggler lakes

Relatively easy route (but avoid it on Sunday)

Classic for locdals: aperitif at the kiosk on Lake Caldaro after the tour

Pit stop: Jausenstation Montiggler See, Kiosk, Lake Caldaro


GPX-Track -km, -m GPX

50 100 150 200 5 10 15 Distance (km) Elevation (m)
Name: No data
Distance: No data
Minimum elevation: No data
Maximum elevation: No data
Elevation gain: No data
Elevation loss: No data
Duration: No data

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